A “new face” for the old People-South site and an expansion of talk to include ALL of the States which make up this so-called “country”. The original “states” were considered free and “independent” entities and not “one” country. The concept of “independent States” is noted primarily in two documents. Namely, the original Declaration of Independence signed on

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Okay … okay. Don’t get your “hockey hot”. It’s not a bad idea, it’s a good idea whose time has come. The 2020 election should have been enough to convince any sensible citizen that our national election system is totally broken. And that the Constitution for all practical purposes is  defunct and ignored in many ways. It’s

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Steve Quick review of SALW

Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2022 Neither book nor review will pass “woke” muster. Too many facts, too much honesty, too much unvarnished history. The academy has long since reduced ALL history to a polemic of race class and gender, malignant with modernism, minimalism, post structuralism and, well, academic incest. Nor is this written

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Connie Chastain review of SALW

Connie Chastain – A unique look at slavery in relation to the war of 1861. Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2022. What can be said about Abraham Lincoln, American slavery, and the war waged to end it that hasn’t already been said? The war is one of the most written about subjects in history.

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